Jul 25, 2005

The Art of Negotiation

Grayson had an early meeting this morning, so I was dropping the boys off at school. After the usual tantrum that accompanied the realization that it was a weekday -- and therefore, a schoolday -- I was trying to drop him off in his room with as little incident as possible.

Me: Little Buddy, I need you to be a big boy and set a good example for Nick-Nick. Can you sit down to eat breakfast?

Nathaniel: Nooooo.

Me: Please? If you are a big boy and a helper, and you sit down and eat breakfast before I leave, I will bring you a treat at the end of the day.

Nathaniel: A Special Treat?

Me: Yes. What would you like me to bring? (There's a gas station adjacent to school where I can pick up all manner of "special treats" for good behavior when warranted. Like the big tootsie roll he got the first -- and only -- day he went potty at school.)

Nathaniel: Chocolate!

Me: OK. It's a deal. If you sit down and eat your breakfast right now and don't cry when I leave, I will bring you a piece of chocolate at the end of the day.

Nathaniel: Two, Mommy.

Me: Wellllll, OK. I will bring two chocolates for you at the end of the day.

Nathaniel: FIVE.

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