Then we lost Ellie, and they've been so pitiful about it, I decided we could do it yesterday.
So here's my mantle in the den:

I realize that it looks like I think I live in coastal South Carolina (sea grass), but would like to live in Wyoming (Teton photo), while I actually live in Alabama (Southern Living At Home accessories). And I also realize that the fall garland on top of it all is just overkill.
But the sea grass was a temporary experiment in seeing how well accessories I'd originally bought for Grayson's office would translate to our home (not well, I've decided). And I'm just too lazy to take down the Southern Living At Home glass/pedestal things for the three weeks my garland has been smooshed up there. Translation: There's no room in the hall closet for them.
Anyway, as of yesterday, here's what's in the opposite corner of the den from the mess that is my mantle:

No tree skirt or wrapped gifts under it yet. I DO have some limits.
But I feel like I have Holiday Vertigo. Like it's Thanksmas or something. On the plus side, the Day after Thanksgiving is wide open. No tree to decorate!
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