Mar 12, 2009

Letter to Jonah

Sweet Baby Jonah,

I simply can't WAIT to meet you. Typically, because our family is so large, we either meet new babies at the holidays or at the summer beach trip -- but I hope to make a special trip to North Carolina to meet you soon. You have already stolen my heart. I have some to spare, but every day the chunk that belongs to you is getting bigger and bigger. Is it any wonder? You're cute as a button!

By the time you can read this letter for yourself, you'll already be well-acquainted with your skin condition, EB. As a matter of fact, I bet one day you'll be spouting off all sorts of information (as Hiltons are wont to do), educating all of us about EB and how you've conquered it and are living the sort of life your precious mommy and daddy are right now praying you will lead.

Did you know that you were born to the absolutely most perfect mommy and daddy for you?
THEY ARE AMAZING. God has been preparing their hearts to receive you for a long time, from before you were even a glint in their eyes. He chose you for them, and them for you. From the moment you were born less than two weeks ago, they became your advocates. They have taken the reins of your care and treatment, never backing down. They haven't been intimidated by the doctors, they haven't shied away from the tough information they've been asked to process, and they are desperate for the opportunity to take you home and care for you there.

They are eagerly devouring all of the tips from the helpful commenters on your mommy's blog, taking all of the information to your doctors and asking them to modify your treatment based on what has worked for others who've walked in your shoes.
THEY ARE FEARLESS. I don't mean that in the sense that they don't fear what the future may hold for you, because they candidly admit that they have fearful moments about your health. I mean that they are fearless in their advocacy for you, their dedication to you and their total commitment that you receive the best care with the most comprehensive options ... from medications to bottles to bedding to dressings. They are fighting for your life, just like you are.

Part of what makes your mommy and daddy so incredible and so perfect for you is that they have an unshakable faith in the Lord. THEY ARE FAITHFUL. Throughout this two-week journey, they have continued to pray steadfastly for you. And when they haven't had the strength or stamina to remain on their knees, they've asked other people to fill in the gaps. Your parents have new friends in almost every time zone in the world. That means, little buddy, that there hasn't been a moment in your two weeks on Earth that someone hasn't been praying for you. Does that rock your world, or what?

Beyond that, I believe wholeheartedly that this journey the three of you are on is bringing people to Jesus. Many people are re-thinking their perception of faith, having seen how your mommy and daddy's faith is sustaining them right now. Some people go their whole lives without having the kind of impact on people that you all have had on so many this month alone.

It's a testament to your mommy and daddy's transparent hearts and open communication with others that so many people have joined them in prayer. And, lucky you, THEY ARE YOURS. Their hearts belong to you, now and forever. They are captivated by everything you do, and these days, it's enough for them to just sit and watch you breathe. Talk about finding joy in the simple things!

I really should wrap this up, or one day you'll be asking your mommy, "Who IS that long-winded woman?" So ... last year Jake and Coleman were too small to be in the photo below, which has become an annual
exercise in futility tradition. And this year you'll be too small to be included, but it is my greatest hope that next year, you'll be there with bells on.

Gabe visited us in his own way last year
, and maybe you can do something similar this year, to tide us over until the holidays. I'll be looking for you.

Aunt Katherine
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