I can always use an extra helping hand around the house, and Jake's getting to the age where he should be contributing more often. Luckily, over at Fail they've located the tool Jake needs to be able to reach his full potential:

No more excuses, Jakey! You're a year old. Time to step up.
Oh, how funny that pic is! Maybe you should try it.
Hello! I see you are in B'ham too, so nice to meet you. I don't remember if you've left a note before, but I don't remember coming by your blog. I love meeting other B'ham girls. We must all get together this year and meet up.
Oh, and looked at your wall of plates, very pretty! I do agree that the middle one could be bigger, but don't sweat it. Maybe you'll find another & you can change it out later. They are all pretty.
I SO want one of these things!! Anybody that has kids knows how quick floors get dirty with little crumbs floating around. Now they can at least help mommy out some.lol
Mommy2one, I think it's BRILLIANT. I wonder if it picks up as well as a Swiffer ...
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