Sometimes it's not even the furniture or household item that I must have ... it's actually WORSE than that. I see a styled room in the magazine, and I want the WHOLE ROOM, walls, floors and all. It's a disease, people.
For instance, I don't really want the drapes in this picture (although I'd take them in a heartbeat). I WANT THE WINDOW SEAT AND THE VIEW. Oh, to have that in my house (she sighed, wistfully). Don't you just EXHALE when you look at this picture?

If I stood too close to this apothecary cabinet, I'd leave drool stains on it. I LOVE painted furniture, all the better if it's a little distressed. Pre-distressed furniture is really nice when you have children who will distress a new piece of furniture whether you like it or not.
Now, how can we improve upon this chest? Let me think ... OH YEAH. Put two of them side by side. OUTSTANDING! And I'll take the TV and the accessories, too, thankyouverymuch.
Hmmm. What ELSE do I want from PB this month? Oh, riiiiiiiiight. I forgot. These two bath consoles have been on my wishlist since I first saw them a few years ago in the catalog. And I mean, people, THEY ARE ON MY LIST. I have the pictures cut out in my expandable file folder titled "Home." And when I went to the Web site to pull the digital files so I could share them with you, I saved the first one to my laptop as "mybathconsole" and the second one as "boysbathconsole."

Really, I love everything about Pottery Barn. I mean, when you go to the Web site and they have a category specifically titled "Storage and Entryway" as a subsection of "Furniture and Upholstery," how can that NOT still your beating heart? They had me at "Storage" ... but then they hit it out of the park with "and Entryway." The only thing I want more than a rec room in my house is a mudroom. This one would be PERFECTION, except that Scout might tear up that chair. You could talk me into a different chair.