Jul 31, 2009

Everyone, say hello to my new friend, Jenny

If someone asked me to pay $10,000 today so that I could be 40 pounds lighter tomorrow, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Literally. If that were the offer, I'd jump on it so fast my tummy would jiggle. In fact, I'd probably pay MORE than that. Put it on my equity line. Put it on a credit card. Whatever. If someone could make it that easy for me to lose the weight, I'd pay a lot.

I'm tired. Tired of looking at all the smaller, more stylish clothes in my closet that I can't wear. Tired of trying to find one more cute black top at the mall. Tired of clasping my hands in front of myself to hide my tummy. Tired of wearing maternity shorts when my baby is already 15 months old. Tired of carrying around an imaginary due date in my head to quote to strangers in case they ask me when I'm due. Because it is as distinctly embarrassing -- if not MORE embarrassing -- to be the askee of that question as it is to be the asker of that question. NO ONE wants to have a reason to say, "Sorry, I'm not pregnant."

I've lost 30 pounds three times now. The first time was when we were trying to get pregnant with Nathaniel and I wanted to be as healthy as possible. The second time was after I had him. The third time was after I had Nicholas. And now, here I am again. So I know I can do it. It's going to take me probably six months, but I can do it. I just really need it to be EASIER this time.

I wanted to basically have everything ready for me to eat, so I just have to throw it in my bag when I leave every morning. Well, THAT'S not gonna happen, no matter what program I'm on, I suppose. I'll have to do some sort of prep work -- whether throwing together a small side salad or washing veggies -- whether I'm simply counting Points on my own or following a formal program. But I'm choosing Jenny Craig, and I hope it goes well. Valerie Bertinelli, you have inspired me.

I bought this:

Which, as you can see, had a huge dent in it, right out of the box. But once you get one of these out of the store, into your car, out of your car, into your house, out of the box, and in the right spot, you're not returning it because of a small dent. AND THEY KNOW THAT.

Once it was in place, I put all of this in it:

I started the program on Monday of this week, and I don't talk to my counselor again until Tuesday the 4th. I'm seriously going to try not to blog about it except once a week, probably on Tuesdays when I have any news to report. (And hopefully it will always be good news.) No one wants to hear me gripe about food every day, I'm quite sure.

What I can tell you so far: The food isn't bad, but the portions are small. VERY SMALL. My desire to eat has been stripped away. Whereas I used to look forward to meals, now when it's time to eat, I wish it weren't. Cake and cookie have now taken on new meaning. They are now spoken as "cake" and "cookie," with air quotes. The cakes and cookies that are part of the program couldn't be called cakes and cookies in a non-dieting world. Plus, I'm hungry pretty much all the time. So far, the six-small-meals-a-day approach isn't really working that well for me. (I was going to post a disclaimer that clearly stated that I'm not being paid to blog about Jenny Craig, but I think that paragraph just accomplished that for me.)

But I'm on board the train. I'm not cheating. (Day 5 is almost over. Woo hoo!) And no, I'm not posting a "Before" picture in profile, not in this lifetime. No "After" bikini shot, either. NO SIREE BOB.

Wish me luck.


Sabrina said...

My baby is 11 months and I currently weigh more now then I did at delivery. Yeah. Great. Fantastic. (Can I have an excuse and post it in someone else's comments?) Anyway, Monday is it for me. It is the day I am going to change my life! Good luck, I will be cheering you (& me) along the way.

shanemotb said...

Congrats on your hard work. I am right there with you! I can't wait to hear more about your experience as I try to decide what to do for myself. Good luck and no hunger for you! ~ Shane

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

Thanks for the encouragement, ladies! I know it's hard for anyone who struggles with their weight, so I'll be thinking of you guys, too!

brightleigh said...

Congratulations Katherine! I am proud of you....I think as we get older, it is really harder to drop the lbs. That is what freaks me out about having another kid....will it come off as easy as it did the first time? And I love food! If I don't eat a big portion one meal, I make up for it at the next meal. It is really tough, but I admire you for going this route. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

You can do it!

Well, my baby is 6 months and I am doing Weight Watchers. This is my 3rd week and so far I am down 8 pounds. I need to lose 50. So, I've got a long way to go. I also just started the Couch to 5K running program. It really works. I've done it before and it literally gets you off the couch and running a 5k in 9 weeks. Relatively easy too. I'm on week one.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck! I came across your Blog from Williams Family blog a little while back. I felt the need to comment after this post. I, too am right there w/ you. It is a daily struggle and I wish you all the luck in the world. Need to seet up an account but don't have time. Will be anonymous for now. :(


Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

"It's You and Me Together..."

Yep, I'm starting my diet back soon, too (I will start as soon as they are back in school...12 days and counting!

I'm a WW girl.....but can't wait to follow your progress. Summer is absolutely my worst time. I need to start tomorrow, but I'm pacing myself!

jeanne @ Inspiring Ideas said...

Oh - I wish you well!! That's an ambitious start! I always try to exercise/walk more than cut out on food, because I LOVE to eat!!

You can do it!!!!

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

I so appreciate everyone's support and happy thoughts. :) I will keep you posted!

shanemotb said...

How is it going? I was thinking about you today when I was trying to find something healthy for dinner... You have my prayers!

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

Shane, it's going well ... thanks for thinking of me! I will have a post to share tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

You should ask for a discount on your freezer. The same thing happened to me and I called Sears and they gave me 15% off.

Good luck on you start with JC!

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