And I'd like to point out (since I feel like I have to defend myself BECAUSE MY HUSBAND COMMENTED PUBLICLY ON MY BLOG) that I'm not the only one who feels this way. My sister-in-law Patsy said she feels like I do, and tonight my father-in-law Rudy said, "This always feels like the fastest week of the year."
Once again, we spent the morning on the beach ... body surfing was the order of the day. Most days the waves have been rather unremarkable, but today they were really big. The current was also VERY strong, so we kept close tabs on them as they went out and came in, went out and came in.
Nick managed to catch this wave, but it dunked Nathaniel. That's he, sputtering in the background as Nick rides happily and obliviously to shore.
Here's Nathaniel waiting to catch the next Big One.

The kids split up and played multiple games with willing adults. Witness: 
Nothing I can say, no words I could use, could possibly convey to you the noise level in the house this afternoon. Still, note in the picture above that my husband is fully capable of sleeping through it all. 

I wish I had a video clip to share instead of mere pictures, but all you would hear in the background of the video would be a roar not unlike the crowd noise you hear at a ballgame when a bat connects with a ball in the bottom of the 9th. I PROMISE.
And now, two very quick videos of the body surfing. The first one is Nathaniel and Grant, and the second one is Nicholas and Grant, with Mikey biting it right at the very end.
I mentioned that we're closing in on the end of the week, in that we only have one day left on the beach. Perhaps less, if tomorrow shapes up like today, with strong winds and a downpour right after lunch that brought everyone inside.
The kids split up and played multiple games with willing adults. Witness:
Nothing I can say, no words I could use, could possibly convey to you the noise level in the house this afternoon. Still, note in the picture above that my husband is fully capable of sleeping through it all.
I wish I had a video clip to share instead of mere pictures, but all you would hear in the background of the video would be a roar not unlike the crowd noise you hear at a ballgame when a bat connects with a ball in the bottom of the 9th. I PROMISE.
I was going to try to post some of the family pictures we took today, but Blogger doesn't seem to want me to add any more pictures to this post. They'll have to come later.
The next time you hear from me will be ON OUR VERY LAST FULL DAY AT THE BEACH!
Thanks, Katherine, for taking me to the beach this week! It is one of my most favorite places and John is NOT a beach man. I am with you in spirit and enjoying every moment, even the indoors and the noise and the children. I so much enjoyed our short time with Rudy and Walter that Beverlee arranged in June. The Hiltons are a special breed and I feel blessed to be married to John Hilton Ferguson. :)
Enjoy your Frday and I'm wishing safe travel for each of you as you journey back to the "real world."
Iva, I'm not really a "beach person," either, so I can identify with John. I love being with the Hiltons, but I'm happier on the porch than on the beach itself. I'm so glad you enjoyed our experience vicariously, though!
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