In case you haven't picked up on it yet, I love to write posts about home goods on Sundays. I guess it's partly because Sunday is one of the two days a week that I actually SPEND at home, and partly because the weekends are the only times I'm really able to pore over catalogs.
When I saw these adorable city pushpins in the most recent Ballard Designs catalog, I knew I had to share them with you. I don't use pushpins very often, because I don't have a bulletin board in my home or office, but if I did, I would use these.

The next thing I came across that I really liked was this table. I can't put my finger on it, since it's white (my favorite finish is black) and has sharp edges (we have a leather ottoman for a coffee table), but it may have something to do with the fact that the curved lines of the table mimic the Georgian architecture of the campus buildings at the college I attended.

As I continued thumbing through the pages, I came across this padded bench. It's not the bench that caught my eye ... it's the tufted cushion. I just don't know when I've seen something that looked so comfortable!

And -- breaking with tradition -- I'd now like to point out a trend that not only do I not find sensational, but that I actually find DISTURBING: the use of disembodied hands as decorative accessories.

This strikes me as very Addams Family. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?
I would love to tell you that it was an isolated find, BUT IT WAS NOT. I kept finding pictures like this:
When I saw these adorable city pushpins in the most recent Ballard Designs catalog, I knew I had to share them with you. I don't use pushpins very often, because I don't have a bulletin board in my home or office, but if I did, I would use these.

The next thing I came across that I really liked was this table. I can't put my finger on it, since it's white (my favorite finish is black) and has sharp edges (we have a leather ottoman for a coffee table), but it may have something to do with the fact that the curved lines of the table mimic the Georgian architecture of the campus buildings at the college I attended.

As I continued thumbing through the pages, I came across this padded bench. It's not the bench that caught my eye ... it's the tufted cushion. I just don't know when I've seen something that looked so comfortable!

And -- breaking with tradition -- I'd now like to point out a trend that not only do I not find sensational, but that I actually find DISTURBING: the use of disembodied hands as decorative accessories.

This strikes me as very Addams Family. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?
I would love to tell you that it was an isolated find, BUT IT WAS NOT. I kept finding pictures like this:
I love that table. I'm a big fan of black finish too but that's just to cute.
Some lovely choices! Oh, to have endless spending at that site!!
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