Now, I know what you're thinking ... "She fell off the wagon." Well, let me tell you, I did NOT. I was within 20 feet of Great American Cookies and a whole slew of these:

THAT, my friends, is what We In The Industry call an "M&M Double Doozie." It is the Granddaddy of All Cookies, the cookie equivalent of THIS:

... Krispy Kreme's chocolate iced kreme-filled glazed doughnut. THE PINNACLE OF DOUGHNUTS. And, not surprisingly, MY VERY FAVORITE.
And while I was only 20 feet away from the M&M Double-Doozie, I reined myself in and got a plain old chocolate chip cookie from a deli next door. Meh. It definitely WASN'T double-doozie caliber, but it was OK.
I wanted a small treat, one that would be a nice congratulatory gesture for my tummy, but one that wouldn't add 1,400 calories to my daily intake. (I'm guessing here ... I'm sure you're as SHOCKED as I am that Great American Cookies doesn't disclose its nutritional information [and I use that term lightly] on its Web site.)
After all, although I can't tell a HUGE difference when I look in the mirror or pull on my pants, I CAN:
- Jog at a quicker pace than I could three months ago (but I still wouldn't call it a "RUN," per se.)
- Jog farther up hills in my hilly neighborhood than I've been able to in a long time. (Of course, I still can't run past the fourth mailbox on this one hill that my sister runs up every time she's here. I get winded when I DRIVE up that hill in my CAR.)
- Wear Medium maternity shorts instead of Large. (I WISH I were kidding. I guess I could break down and just buy bigger regular shorts, but I don't want to spend the money. I already have the maternity shorts, and they're khaki. Perfect.)