Nov 6, 2009

I'm a rightie ... I think

I write with my right hand and I play sports right-handed, but I'm pretty inconsistent about being a rightie in other ways.

- I can only carry Jake in my left arm. My right arm and right hip are completely incapable of supporting his weight and bulk. It's been that way with all three kids. Also applies to carrying groceries.

- I always put my left shoe on first, and I put my left leg in my pants first. Also applies to socks.

But then again:

- I hold a phone in my right hand. Cell phone or home phone, it doesn't matter. If I talk with it in my left hand, I lose all my senses and can't concentrate on the topic at hand. Also applies to cutting with knives.

- I am only capable of carrying my purse on my right side. If that strap isn't over my right shoulder, it's meeting the pavement. It's as if my left shoulder is a ski slope. Also applies to diaper bags.

It seems like my right side should be dominant in all ways, but it's not. Why do I notice these things? Why do I care? I don't know. I just know that it bugs me.


Rachel said...

I'm right handed but I play sports left handed. I can only talk on the phone right handed but I can carry my purse and kids left or right handed. :)

Sarah T. said...

You know, they say everyone's a little amphibious.

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

Rachel, I think it's funny that you play sports left-handed! That really DOES make you pretty ambidextrous.

SET, Amphibious? Well, yes, I suppose I do like both land and water.

deborah said...

I am sitting here chuckling...I had not thought of some of these things til now. Now I will be watching to see which hand or side I use for what. Thanks for the lovely comment you left on our blog, it was so nice of you! Deborah & Hubs

Amy said...

My take: you carry your kids on the left so as to free up your dominant right hand to do what needs to be done. And you put your clothes on the left side first, b/c it's easier to maneuver the less dominant side through the clothing when it's unencumbered by the other leg/arm being in there first. Purse needs to be on the dominant side b/c you've got your kid on the other side! As for the phone, well, I don't really have an explanation for that. Must have something to do with your being amphibious :)

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

Amy, I appreciate that you clearly gave this a significant amount of thought. :) This was one of those posts where I thought as I posted it, "I am ridiculous. Why do people even come here to read what I write?" So to have had even one comment on it -- and then a few more -- is a treat.

Grayson said...

Everyone uses their right hand to talk on the phone because speech is processed in the left side of the brain which is fed by your right ear. If you use your left ear it takes longer for you to figure out what people are saying.

Grayson said...
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Dad said...

It's in your DNA. Here's my list:

Left: write, eat, throw, shoot basketball, kick, hold telephone, deal cards, hold Jakie.

Right: bat baseball, tennis, golf, shoot, ping pong.

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