Grayson always teases me about being the opposite of many women in one particular way: I'm a light packer. TOO LIGHT for his taste. I dislike taking more than one pair of shoes on a trip, even if I'll be gone for a week. I only take one outfit for every two days, and I'll wash while I'm gone if I have to. Over Thanksgiving, when we were gone for five days, I took a single duffel bag. Same thing for the week-long beach trip last summer. I like to sling a bag over my shoulder and move on.
Methinks I'll have to do Disney a little differently. I'm already trying to wrap my brain around that.
People have said we can take a backpack in with snacks and drinks. We're on the Disney Meal Plan, so we'll each have one snack per day that we can eat in the park, but I guess you're saying we'll need water? And extra snacks for the boys? This goes against everything I believe in, so please make your case today. If it were up to me, I'd throw my camera and a sippy cup for Jake in the stroller basket and be done with it. MOTHER OF THE YEAR, need I remind you?
Since the holidays will be upon us next week, I'm taking time off from Disney Tips Tuesday until the new year, but then we'll really be down to the wire so I'll be collecting all of the last-minute tips you have for me.
I assume you are as anti-fanny-pack as I am, and I am forewarning you that I will ignore you and pretend I'm not with you if you wear one.
That being said, I took a "neck wallet" (sounds dorky but far out-cools the fanny pack) with me to Chile, and wore it everywhere. Just throw your id, credit cards and cash in it, your cell if you need it, and it hangs around your neck inside your clothes. Super practical, although I doubt there's much purse-snatching going on in Disney.
I actually have 2, so I'll bring both on the trip.
Also, do you know if they rent baby backpacks? If Jakey's still small enough for one, I'd be willing to tote him around in that instead of using a stroller.
I guess it just slipped your mind to mention that in your effort to pack light for the Thanksgiving trip, you forgot your shoes completely. Don't worry, I'm here to remind you. I'm thoughtful like that. :)
SET, I am not hanging anything around my gizzard, whether it goes inside my clothes or not. But you are SO welcome to wear yours. I don't know about the backpack, but I'll check. I know they rent strollers.
You go Patrice, funny!
I think you should reconsider the neck thing. It would come in very handy. I have a pouch that goes diagonally over the shoulder and I love it. Not at all tacky and very comfortable. It is a good place for storing tickets and fast passes. You could borrow it. I would not take water in the park, too heavy and it won't be hot, and you can always buy it. It is really not that expensive. I would take a diaper bag for Jake, with just diapers and an extra outfit, jackets and a large Target type bag to shove all the jackets in when you aren't wearing them, maybe a bag full of ponchos in case of rain (I have lots if you want to borrow them), camera, and the neck wallet or some other contraption that holds money, phone, tickets.
Rent the strollers! They are so worth it! And if you park hop, you just get a replacement at the new park. You get a discount if you rent for all your days at once.
I took medicines in (headache, upset tummy). You can buy them there (if you want to pack light) but the are EXPENSIVE (IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS)
We took ponchos in case it rained. It didn't, but that would be not fun. Unless you just did the inside stuff during the rain (like everyone else will do)
My best suggestion: Band aid has what is called friction block (found in the store near the band aids). Wonderful stuff! My shoes were not new, they were comfy, I had on good socks--I still got a blister. This stuff is in a stick like deo--you rub is anywhere that you might get a blister or already have one. Did I mention, wonderful stuff! Protected my blister and kept the rest of my feet from getting one.
You won't need much water carried in. You get so much food for your meals, you almost won't want your snack--so use it for water. I actually took in Capri Suns--so much lighter to carry.
Somehow put on your kids (inside their shoe) your cell phone #. If you get lost, you can be found easily.
Hi! I was urged by Cerigwyn to read your blog and pass along my Disney advice. I just survived 6 days in Disney over Thanksgiving with ALL my in-laws. There were 8 adults and 4 kids ages 8,5,3, and 3. Luckily, I was able to carry a fairly light backpack since my sister-in-law always seems to have anything we need in her "Mary Poppins" like magic bag. So, perhaps you could just go without anything if you take her along with you. For us, jackets were a must. It was chilly in the mornings and evenings. We had a meal plan too and never used all our snacks and meals. So, you could use your snacks for water. You can also use your counter top meals for a bunch of snacks at once. I took handsanitizer...but they have it all throughout the park. I used all of the travel wet-wipes we packed and band-aids, but my kids are addicted. I only packed a few emergency fruit snacks. We also couldn't go anywhere without their autograph books and glow in the dark tinkerbell pins. If your kids get into the whole pin-trading thing, my biggest recommendation is the buy the locking backs. We lost so many of the pins...and they start at $7 a pop. Good luck! Have fun! Enjoy the adventure!
Lisa, Please don't encourage Patrice. And I would love to borrow the ponchos. Thanks.
Grape, GREAT ADVICE on the cell phone number. We'll be sure to do that with all the kids. Several people have mentioned carrying in band-aids and meds, which I never would have thought of. Great advice there, too.
WELCOME, FRIEND OF CERIGWYN! Nice to meet you, Stacey. Mary Poppins I am not ... she did NOT pack light. And trading pins do not appeal to me. I will keep my kids away from those at all costs ... I'm glad you forewarned me. However, I love the advice about meals, medicine and snacks. I will take all of that to heart! I hope you'll come back to see how our trip goes. :)
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