Good Housekeeping says, "Pyranna Plastic Package Opener zips through clamshell cases in seconds. Clamp the gizmo on an edge of a package (a blade will pierce the plastic), and slide it along the seam. It may sound gimmicky, but in our tests, the Pyranna worked almost 40 percent faster than scissors and left no jagged edges."

OK, $10 for a tool that will cut through that dadblasted hard plastic packaging like it's butter? SOLD. Christmas morning will be fun again! Buy from Pyranna directly; also sold at Amazon and Bed, Bath & Beyond, if you didn't already throw away the 20% off coupon that came in yesterday's mail, as I always do the day before I come across something I want to buy there. $10
This little miracle marks the spot exactly where your nail should go, regardless of the type of hardware that's on the back of your picture. You place your picture on the tool, then put them on the wall at the height you want to hang the picture. You press a button on the Hang and Level, and it marks the spot on the wall where your nail should go. MARRY ME.

Available at for a very reasonable dowry. $20
I will not even bore you with tales of how many times I've tilted on my chair or ladder and dumped paint right out of my Solo cup onto my carpet. I will just tell you that I need a Belt Bucket like nobody's business. It has a 52-inch belt that holds a small paint bucket with a liner, and you can dip your brush in and paint to your heart's content.

It's sold at Paint Belt Pro, and I am smitten. $25
Along with spilling my paint, I have also been known to drop nails and screws while accomplishing my latest DIY task of the week. Typically I pinch them between my lips until I need them, but I've also tried cupping them in the hem of my shirt. (Doesn't work well.) So when I saw the Handyman's Helper Magnetic Wristband, I knew it was for me.

It's sold at Spoon Sisters and comes in several colors. Be still my beating heart. $19.95
P.S. It should go without saying that I don't own any of these things, haven't been given any of these things by the companies represented here, nor do they know I've written about them.
Just read in Real Simple that you can use a can opener to open those yucky plastic clamshells :)
What a wonderful idea! I never would have thought of that. I wonder if it will still be able to open cans after it matches wits with one of those plastic packages, though. ;)
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