In the meantime, I'll be packing up our suitcases, deciding which books to download to the Kindle, and flipping through The Binder.
I've got our itinerary typed up with park hours, ride closures, Extra Magic Hours and meal locations.
The binder is organized by day so that each evening we can read up on the next day's park and restaurant (table service) meal.
The first item behind each day's tab is the menu for the table service meal so that we'll know before we get there what we'll have to choose from and what characters might appear.
The next item behind each tab is Tour Guide Mike's printout of when to visit each attraction/ride (i.e., early morning, before lunch, after lunch, before the park closes, etc.)
And OF COURSE there's a whole section for Tips from the Blog!
I printed out all of your tips and will read them again and again ... THANK YOU AGAIN so much. You guys are true Disney pros.
I know this trip wouldn't be as much fun if I hadn't had your input on what do to, what to take, how to make the most of our trip in general. So I hope to keep you updated while we're gone, assuming I have a good Internet connection and I'm not comatose by 9:00 every night.
Where did you get the info on your extra magic hours? I had used for that and once we actually arrived, we found out that two of the days were incorrect. We were able to change our schedule to work with it, but just wanted to let you know that it wasn't 100% reliable.
Oh, my gosh, I found someone who is more organized than I least when it comes to a trip. Safe travels and hope all stay well during the time away.
Girl...You are SO a woman after my own heart! Hope it is amazing!
BTW, do you have an iPhone? There is an awesome app for the all the restaurant menus in the kingdom....just so you know!
Wow - that's some amazing organization! Have a great vacation - can't wait to hear all about it!
Lauren, We got it from Tour Guide Mike. I don't know yet if it's all accurate, but at this point I'm going with whatever info I have!
Megan, we downloaded that app today on my dad's phone! Thanks for the tip.
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