This is it! Our last Disney Tips Tuesday until we leave for Orlando! I can hardly believe it.
I'm home with a sick, sick Jake today (come back for a post about that later today if you have time), so I don't have a lot of prep time for this post. But if you have any tips at all for souvenirs and strollers (whether to take ours or rent one there), please leave them in the Comments.
You have all been amazingly helpful throughout the planning process for our trip, and I'm looking forward to implementing all of the tips once we get there. THANK YOU, ALL!
Hi, So sorry to hear about Jake - will say a few prayers for all of you!
I think I may be repeating myself, but oh well! : )
For souvenirs, we kept our kids to a bare minimum, b/c it is just not a cheap trip. We let each of them chose one thing (from the big Disney store at Downtown Disney) for about $20, and then they each had another $15 of their own money that they had saved/earned that they were able to spend. My kids were almost 5 and 2 at the time. Just as an fyi, I wasn't really impressed with the Lego store there (although my son was just starting out with lego's so he was able to spend his money just fine). They didn't have anything different than what was at Toys R Us. The only neat thing was that you could make some figures and replace lost bricks from kits (which we didn't need at the time, but we'll make a list of missing pieces the next time we go). I hit the Disney Store at the mall for t-shirts, bathing suits, etc. for the kids before we left, and they were so cheap! I really wanted us all to get the ears with our names embroidered on them, but apparently I would have been wearing them alone so we save our money there. I swear next time though! : ) We also just told the kids that we weren't buying stuff in the park b/c we'd have to carry it around, and they were fine with that.
We rented a stroller (double) there, that was really expensive, but nice and convenient. We didn't need it for any other part of the trip (airport, etc.) and it was nice to not have to hassle with it on the buses, monorail, etc. But, for as expensive the strollers are they have absolutely nothing but a seat! No cup holders, hooks or storage for bags... But we packed light and just had a backpack that we shared. Both my kids were able to take naps in the stroller and we were able to keep them dry in the rain (draped a poncho over it), so it was worth it for us. But if you would need a stroller for Jake at any other point, you may just want to take your own.
Sorry so long! Have a wonderful trip! Kim
Hope Jake has a speedy recovery. Hope it doesn't interfere with your plans.
probably too late now - but I have always bought our souveniers in advance (at the dollar store!). I would bring them and give one to the kids every night. They never asked to buy anything (too busy going on rides!). When we took our then 4 adn 6 yr old we never used the stroller we brought. Ever. With your little one you probably will need one. They are CRAZY expensive there..I would bring an umbrella one.
We have always rented a double stroller - even though we are within driving distance and can take our own. You won't be sorry. We only had one child that rode in it, but we tossed our bags in the other seat and they made 'pillows' for my daughter (5 adults and 3 kids on the trip, so a few backpacks plus my daughter's baby needs). An adult-sized (dollar store) poncho will cover it if there's rain. You can pay in advance (at the first park you visit) and get tickets for the stroller for the rest of your trip. That way, the next day, you just hand over a ticket (and I think it saves a little money).
Set a souvenir limit way in advance. We decided two items per child, even though we were there 3 days. Some folks do one per day. I would have liked to say "one shirt, one toy" but it didn't work out that way in the end.
As you can see, I'm a big fan of the strollers - and in the minority so far! I think the souvenirs are a more personal, budget-based decision. I like the idea of picking up a few Dollar Store goodies beforehand, and I'm tucking that idea away for our next visit. By the way - the souvenirs are virtually the same between the parks. I didn't realize that immediately, and I think it's just a nice thing to know.
I hope Jake feels better soon, RSV is NO FUN!
As for souveniers, I think for kids half the fun is getting some stuff so we limit it, but try to make it exciting. We always buy them an autograph book as we enter the park, I have been known to then tear out the autograph book pages and then add to the scrapbook page of that character, soo cute. My idea of a great souvenier and my kids are not the same! We give the kids each 20 bucks and let them buy stupid stff with that. Mickey Mouse candy, if you have the money and think that's a good use go for it, disney bus, buy it. They liked the freedom and I was able to let go of control(ha) of that. We usually buy them a hat and either a t-shirt or sweatshirt. (we live in the NW so usually a sweatshirt since it gets more use)
I am cheap so we haven't rented a stroller, last time we bought a lgightweight, one handed set up, with a shoulder stap stroller, for 15 bucks less than it would cost to rent at the parks. We had it with us at the airport and all the time, and since we had an 18 month old we needed it. But I hear the disney ones are great, so if Jake doesn't need one except if he's tired at the parks, then maybe that is the way to go.
Whoo, I was rambly today.
My daughter loved getting the characters to sign her autograph book. The books are A LOT cheaper at a Walmart close to Disney! :)
We took our three children to Disney for the first time when they were 2,5, and 7. Keeping in mind that my kids are relatively small in size, they all took turns riding in the double stroller that we rented each day from the park. At times, all three of them squeezed in there! The parks are large, and kid's legs are small. After a long day of walking, even the older boys were getting tired of walking, but were still up for the adventures of the park. With the double stroller rental, we didn't have to drag a stroller on the plane and to and from the parks, and our kids were able to nap and navigate the entire park throughout the whole day and make it through to the fireworks and parade at night. We rented one on the next trip two years later, and, although there was less riding, we were able to store our "junk" in it. One backpack should get you through, and I would HIGHLY recommend picking up rain ponchos at your local dollar store or discount store and keeping them in your backpack--they are very spendy for cheap plastic in the parks.
Have a fun trip!
I'm still torn on the stroller. I don't know what I'm going to do! There are so many good points from each side. I am tempted to just buy a $10 umbrella stroller from Babies R Us once we get down there and treat it like it's disposable ... maybe even offer it to another family in our hotel when we leave!
On the other hand, I love the idea of having a double stroller that more than one of our kids can sit in, or that we can use for storage for all of our STUFF.
Decisions, decisions ...
'Nuf said :)
RENT THE DOUBLE STROLLER! Get the cheaper autograph books outside the parks. They will want Mickey and others to sign them! RENT THE DOUBLE STROLLER!
Planning a trip to Disney world would you be will to share the packet you created? I love a girl who's organized. I would love for you to email it to me. My email is sarahfgca@yahoo.com
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