Feb 22, 2010

Monday-morning survey

Those of you who have blogs know that it's really time-consuming to maintain them and post something on a regular basis. I love using mine as a creative outlet, and my extended family is practically in an unhealthy codependent relationship with it ... they really need a Grass Stains IV drip. [Flattered.]

There've been very few days over the last 18 months that I haven't posted something of some sort, but that's predominantly because I love to read something from my favorite bloggers every day, so I feel like I should be offering that to my loyal readers, too.

Case in point: when we got to Disney World and I thought I wasn't going to be able to post all week, I nearly popped a gasket. (Narcissist much?)

Then it occurred to me: I don't do this full-time so it's sort of a random brain dump, I'm a terrible self-editor and therefore usually end up with 2,000-word posts (plus photos), and it's entirely possible that the saying Less is More COULD be rooted in truth. So, the question:

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