I thought our weekend was going to be all about this

for both of our older boys
with their little brother tagging along, as usual.

As it turned out, there was an unspeakable tragedy within our extended family in the wee hours of Saturday morning, and all I can think about is how sad it is, and how much I love these guys
and this guy
and how blessed we are to have and hold them.
Today, hug your children tightly. Today, when your temper is short, take a deep breath and count to three. Count to 30 if that's what it takes. Today, ignore the Cheerios on the floor and the Tinkertoys in the couch cushions.
Today, don't get mad about the scratches on the DVD that make it unplayable. Today, leave the laundry unfolded and build a fort in the den. Today, get outside in the sunshine. If it's raining, go play in the rain. Tonight, postpone bedtime by 20 minutes and read an extra book out loud.
I'm talking to myself as much as I'm talking to any of you. Today is what you have with your kids, and tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Today, love well.
Is Jonah ok? No matter who it is, I will say a prayer for your family to get through this.
Beckie in Brentwood, TN
You just made me cry...BUT you are SO right. Sorry for your loss.
Saying a prayer for you and your family!
Praying for strength and peace for your family.
Thanks, all. We are still processing everything that's happened, and I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
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