They started Nathaniel's game with the National Anthem. Ironically, the closest American flag was on the field behind ours, and we couldn't see it from our field ... so the kids just sort of stared off into the distance. Still, the sentiment was there.
Nathaniel started off in right field.

He had a little trouble focusing out there. He's better at centerfield, but at this point in the season, the coach rotates the boys through all the positions to find their strengths.
Jake began the afternoon very interested in the game, which was impressive because it was the second game of the day and I figured he'd already be "All Done."

Nathaniel struck out his first couple of times at bat, which I sort of expected would happen. First game ever, and we don't practice at home. And then his third time up at bat, when my friend Lisa was over visiting us and hoping to see him bat, he got a hit!

He booked it down the first-base line and made it safely. We were cheering like mad!

The next batter got him to second base.
Ha anxiously awaited the next hit, and when it came, he took off like a bullet.

He made it to third and the third-base coach waved him home.

He SCORED! He was so incredibly happy and proud.
I was, too. I didn't expect him to connect with the ball at all (the pitches come out of the machine at 35 mph). What a great surprise!
When the game was over, the coach gathered the team together and gave them a great pep-talk. (We lost.)
I really like how he focuses on the positives but still gives each of the boys some constructive criticism so they can improve for the next game.
Today we're back at the ballpark for two more games, weather permitting. Following last night's record two-hour-and-20-minute practice, my bottom is ready for a break from the bleachers ... but I also don't want to have to schedule around a mid-week makeup game, so I'm really hoping we get to play!
I'm so proud! And he's a Brave!
Cute little ball players. Refreshing to see the opening tradition is even for the little guys.
Does the dust from the field bother Jakey?
Beckie, Doesn't seem to bother him at all. Of course, there's not all that much dust flying.
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