WOW. I had to think about it for a while. It's hard for me to put all fear of consequences aside, since the consequences are the first thing I think about when making any decision. Ultimately I answered, "Experience a tornado." Two years later, that question still pops into my mind sometimes, and I've come up with a few other answers. I think my running list today looks like this:
- Experience a tornado
- Compete in a NASCAR race
- Play with a lion
- Go skydiving
- Go hang-gliding
- Swim with sharks
Skydive, compete in the Iron Chef challenge, walk into a swamp full of alligators, and I like the answer ''Rob a bank'' too.. hehe :)
I would do some things that some folks have no fear of, but I do: have my right knee replacement, helicopter ride, travel to Switzerland and Russia.
I think there is very, very little that I WOULDN'T do if there was no risk involved.
Experience a tornado, too....but Robbing a bank would have to be number one! HAHA!
I like Shelly's answer best. There are so many things I'd do but not many of them have not already made it to my bucket list. I figure, what the heck.
Oooo....or maybe kidnapp Johnny Depp.
boob job. ;-)
Shelby, I have terrible stage fright, so I should have added something about singing in front of a large crowd. Maybe singing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl or something!
Beckie, we rode in a helicopter that didn't have doors when we went to Hawaii. Scary but absolutely thrilling! We'd do it again.
SET, I believe that about you.
Robin, you people with the robbing of the bank ... too funny!
Paige, you and my sister are two-of-a-kind.
Erin, HA!
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