Feb 6, 2011

Around the Internet

I realize that the last week has been a lot of me pointing you in other directions or re-posting things here that originated with others ... this week alone felt like a whole month, but I'm finally feeling more human again.

I'm going to try to get back more to "normal" this coming week, but for one last day I wanted to share some things with you that you might not come across otherwise. (I realize that not EVERYONE follows more than 200 blogs, so it's up to me to point you to the Really Important Stuff.)

1. The very talented Emily at Jones Design Company came up with a calendar when she was unable to find one that really suited her. I personally use a combination of a paper planner and our family Google calendar, but I LOVE the simple additions she made to hers, and I wanted to share it with you.

I LOVE: the To Do list (very Franklin Covey of her), the Pray For list (because I have to have a list or I forget, unfortunately) and the Notes to Send list (because I write at least one note every week). Don't you think if you had a reminder to write a thank-you note, a "hello" note to your grandmother or a "thinking of you" card to a friend, it would inspire you to write one?

I ALSO LOVE: the chevron border and the Bible verse at the bottom that reminds us that we have so much to be thankful for every day, even when it's easy to forget that.

You can download the file to print for yourself by going to Emily's original post (I can't figure out how to embed the PDF here). Thanks, Emily!

2. Book of Joe (who also inspired yesterday's post) alerted me to the fact that Orvis makes some snow shorts WITH A BUILT-IN SLED. No lie.

They're $35 each, but if you buy two or more, they're only $26 each.

Now, we don't get a lot of snow here in Alabama. But I know a lot of you have snow for several months of the year, and if you've got hills nearby, for the love of all that is good and holy, please buy these pants and take pictures of your kids sliding in them. Thank you.

3. On a more serious note, Patrice wrote a heartfelt post yesterday about Tripp and Anton. Unless you're really new here, you know about our great-nephew Jonah's daily struggle to live with Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). Through relationships that Patrice has built with other EB families, I've begun following the stories of several other EB kids. Tripp is one of them, and Jakey reads every post about Tripp with me. (I think Jakey has a special spot in his heart for EB kids, too. He calls Tripp "Jonah's brother." Melts me every time.)

Anyway, Tripp has been walking a more difficult road than some of the other EB kids, and Courtney's struggle has been mighty. If you could reach out to her and let her know you're praying, I know it would mean a lot to her. (Courtney's blog is here if you'd like to connect with her there.)

And Anton is an EB baby who was born with a healthy twin, and his mom only took the healthy twin home. (It's slightly more complicated than that, but not by much.) The Lord has laid Anton's future on Patrice's heart, and I think prayer is the only answer to Anton's situation ... unless you know a family with a heart for special-needs children and would be willing to talk to them about Anton.

And lastly on the EB front, Jonah's EB Auction 2011 is coming up at the end of this month, and I am so excited! Several women I've met and/or purchased things from online have donated auction items, and I would so appreciate your participation when the time comes! Visit Jonah's EB Auction blog if you'd like to know more, and join the group on Facebook if you'd like to get updates as we approach the big event!

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