Aug 24, 2011

34 weeks

Well, if it's not immediately obvious by this point, while I'm dedicated to taking a picture of myself at the appointed every-four-week time, I'm NOT dedicated to posting it here the same week.


At any rate, I'm 35.5 weeks along now, so we have about a month left to go if Amelia goes full-term. I will go ahead and state for the record that I will be VERY surprised if I go past Sept. 20th (my due date is the 28th).

Exhibit A:

That baby is LOW, my friends, LOW. And also, my hair would appreciate it if I'd have the baby so it can get back to normal. What IS that thing on the left side of my head? No one knows.

When I went to the OB last time, I was down another two pounds, which puts me once again below my pre-pregnancy weight. (I'm sure that's immediately evident to all who see me. "HEY, THAT PREGNANT LADY IS SIMPLY TINY.") What I think is hilarious is that the shirts I'm wearing now are the same ones I was wearing in April. Granted, they're more snug now, but I haven't bought any new attire for work this entire pregnancy. So. There's that.

Thank God for small favors. He owes me.


Martha said...

Oh my gosh, you look pretty! Who is that possible with so few weeks to go! This is the moment in pregnancy that my sweet husband refers to as "the elephant phase" and yet you don't look huge at all! Lucky you. I'll keep my fingers crossed that she comes early (but not too early!).

ginmommy said...

I found out when I became pregnant, that the pregnancy glow is a lie from the pit of hell. I had acne, my nose doubled in size, and the hair was ridiculous. However, looking at you, I have restored faith in the glow. You are a doll!

Wade's World said...

You look great! Having a baby sitting low is miserable. I rememember thinking at times that Jackson was about to fall out.

Not too much longer!!!

Pam Hilton said...

You look great and I love the name Amelia!

Pati @ A Crafty Escape said...

You look great!

Funny how we all have our things... I LOVED my hair when I was pregnant.

Rachel said...

I love your shirt. I'm such a fan of blue it's ridiculous. I'm just hoping that the nursery gets finished before she shows up. :)

Plain Chicken said...

OMG - He does owe you! I am still laughing at your Walgreens story.

You look great!

JenJenkins said...

You look great...seriously...absolutely amazing. I am due 9/11 and have gained 30 lbs. Not too shabby, considering I gained almost 45 lbs with my first pregnancy 3 years ago. Love the name Amelia. We almost went with that name, and we thought about calling her 'Mia'for short, but Sarah Elizabeth it will be. Wishing you the best for a speedy and healthy month!

Jamie said...

I need to get pregnant. To reach my driver's license weight.

Jami said...

I too think you look beautiful!!! It's the middle of summer, you live in the South, and you have three boys.... you look fantastic. btw- My dear sweet little boy will be celebrating his first birthday on September 13- a great day to have a baby!

Katie said...

You look beeeeyoootiful!

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