Nov 22, 2011

Our pretty little girl

We're on the road this week, and I'm enjoying the heck out of this one.

Even if most of the faces she makes are pretty silly.

She spends a lot of time trying to figure out if she wants to look confused ...

... concerned ...

... dubious ...

... pitiful ...

... irritated ...

... skeptical ...

... argumentative ...

... pensive ...

... daydreaming ...

... ready to interrupt ...

... or OVER IT.


Jami said...

That pitiful picture is just too, well it's too pitiful!

Melissa said...

I think she looks like she is taking it all in and mulling things over. You can tell that she is very smart just by looking into her eyes! :o)
Beautiful and smart-a wonderful combo!

Rachel said...

So cute....the pitiful one is my favorite. :) Love that clean baby smell.

ginmommy said...

Well, how cute is all of that?!

Wade's World said...

So cute! The pitiful one is absolutely precious!!!

Anonymous said...

She is such a doll baby. Love the pitiful face. Makes me want to have another baby!!

Sewconsult said...

And of course, all those faces were made in the time frame of a minute or two. One cute baby!

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