Cub Scout badges. Unlike when I was in Girl Scouts as an elementary schooler, boys don't have sashes on which to sew their proudly earned badges. And only a certain few can be sewn on their uniform shirts.
And it's not just badges ... oh no. There are pins.
And a belt buckle for each rank.
Beads earned for completing or attending activities.
And ribbons for recognition at events.
It's a lot of stuff. Stuff that adds up and seems to multiply as it floats around your house. So we knew we needed to corral it, and the craft or jewelry organizers you can buy at craft stores seemed like a good solution.
I'm not sure how much of this is going to mean something to the boys later in life, but I want them to be able to store it and keep it until they're ready to decide what to do with it.
I decided that I wanted to personalize them a little bit, so I user my scrapbooking materials to jazz them up. I went with more earth-tones for Nathaniel's ...
And blue-and-gold Cub Scout colors for Nick's.
I'm happy to say that they are both thrilled with the end result! (Sorry for the terrible pics; I took them with my phone. Professional blogger and all that.)
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