Sep 21, 2012


My sister and parents are here, so I took last night off from writing a post. The good news is, Sarah Ellen agreed to guest post again after her visit! I know you're already looking forward to it.

Lest you fear that my kids are on their best behavior for the grandparents, I will share with you that last night over supper, Nick regaled them with the story of how he vomited before The Color Run and had to hold his poop in for five hours because he didn't want to use a Port-o-Potty, and Nathaniel followed that up with the tale of how another 4th-grader vomited in the lunchroom yesterday, nearly causing Nathaniel to lose his own lunch.

It was just precious.

1 comment:

little sis said...

They always tell the best stories to the grandparents. Especially the ones that make us cringe or think I am a terrible mom.

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